is built with Jekyll on GitHub Pages. The following people contributed to the content of Kyle E. Mitchell The following people contributed to RubyGems that uses: Aaron Patterson: nokogiri Akinori MUSHA: nokogiri Alex Dalitz: dnsruby Alexander Simonov: rubyzip Aman Gupta: eventmachine, http_parser.rb André Arko: bundler André Medeiros: bundler Ashe Connor: commonmarker, jekyll-commonmark-ghpages Ben Balter: jekyll-avatar, jekyll-default-layout, jekyll-feed, jekyll-optional-front-matter, jekyll-readme-index, jekyll-relative-links, jekyll-remote-theme, jekyll-seo-tag, jekyll-titles-from-headings Bob Aman: addressable Brandon Mathis: colorator broccolini: jekyll-swiss Cameron McEfee: jekyll-theme-merlot Carl Lerche: bundler Cezary Baginski: ruby_dep Charles Oliver Nutter: thread_safe Chris Eppstein: sass Chris Morris: bundler Clint Shryock: octokit Colby Swandale: bundler Dan Tao: safe_yaml Daniel Doubrovkine: ruby-enum David Balatero: typhoeus David Heinemeier Hansson: activesupport David Rodríguez: bundler Diana Mounter: jekyll-theme-dinky Erik Michaels-Ober: octokit Francis Cianfrocca: eventmachine Garen J. Torikian: html-pipeline Garen Torikian: commonmarker GitHub: gemoji GitHub, Inc.: github-pages, github-pages-health-check, jekyll-mentions, jekyll-sitemap, jekyll-theme-architect, jekyll-theme-cayman, jekyll-theme-dinky, jekyll-theme-hacker, jekyll-theme-leap-day, jekyll-theme-merlot, jekyll-theme-midnight, jekyll-theme-minimal, jekyll-theme-modernist, jekyll-theme-primer, jekyll-theme-slate, jekyll-theme-tactile, jekyll-theme-time-machine, jemoji Grey Baker: bundler Hampton Catlin: sass Hans Hasselberg: ethon, typhoeus Hiroshi Shibata: bundler Ilya Grigorik: em-websocket James Wen: bundler Jan Lelis: unicode-display_width Jason Costello: jekyll-theme-hacker, jekyll-theme-slate Jason Long: jekyll-theme-architect, jekyll-theme-cayman, jekyll-theme-tactile Jeanine Adkisson: rouge Jeremy Ashkenas: coffee-script, coffee-script-source Jerry Cheung: html-pipeline Jerry D'Antonio: concurrent-ruby Jessica Lynn Suttles: bundler Joel Glovier: minima John Shahid: nokogiri Jon Rohan: jekyll-theme-time-machine Jordon Bedwell: forwardable-extended, pathutil Josh Peek: execjs Joshua Harvey: i18n Joshua Peek: coffee-script Kyle E. Mitchell: creditstxt Lars Kanis: mini_portile2, nokogiri Luis Lavena: mini_portile2 Marc-Andre Cournoyer: http_parser.rb Martyn Loughran: em-websocket Matt Aimonetti: i18n Matt Graham: jekyll-theme-leap-day, jekyll-theme-midnight Mike Dalessio: mini_portile2, nokogiri Natalie Weizenbaum: rb-inotify, sass Nick Sieger: multipart-post Parker Moore: colorator, jekyll-coffeescript, jekyll-gist, jekyll-github-metadata, jekyll-paginate, jekyll-redirect-from, jekyll-sass-converter, jekyll-watch, mercenary Pat Hawks: jekyll-commonmark Paul Dix: typhoeus Petr Chalupa: concurrent-ruby Philip Ross: tzinfo Rick Olson: faraday, sawyer Ryan Bigg: i18n Ryan Davis: minitest Ryan Tomayko: html-pipeline Saimon Moore: i18n Sam Stephenson: coffee-script, execjs Samuel Giddins: bundler Samuel Williams: rb-inotify Scott J. Goldman: terminal-table Simone Carletti: public_suffix Stephan Soller: i18n Stephanie Morillo: bundler Steve Smith: jekyll-theme-minimal, jekyll-theme-modernist Sven Fuchs: i18n Terence Lee: bundler The Ruby Concurrency Team: concurrent-ruby thedarkone: thread_safe Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil: listen, rb-fsevent, sass-listen Thomas Leitner: kramdown Tim Elliott: nokogiri Tim Moore: bundler TJ Holowaychuk: terminal-table Tobias Lütke: liquid Tom Preston-Werner: jekyll, mercenary Travis Tilley: rb-fsevent Wayne Meissner: ffi Wynn Netherland: octokit, sawyer Yehuda Katz: bundler Yoko Harada: nokogiri